Website Monitoring and Archiving for Financial Services


Mitigate regulatory risks while streamlining oversight. Monitor non-approved website providers and create an audit-ready, historical record of all web content to ensure full compliance and enhanced supervision.

Take Control of Your Website Monitoring and Archiving

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Why Choose Red Oak for Website Monitoring and Archiving?

Maintain a Daily Archive for Seamless Regulatory Compliance

Capture daily snapshots of web content to easily fulfill regulatory supervision requirements and ensure full compliance with audit trails.

Most Configurable Workflow and Rules Engines

Automatically trigger workflows for specific website changes, from new content uploads to Google My Business reviews and YouTube updates. Reduce “noise” by supervising only the changes that align with your compliance policies.

Side-by-Side Comparisons for Efficient Reviews

Save time by comparing website changes in a side-by-side format with new content highlighted so you can focus on what’s important without re-reviewing previously approved material.

Review Bundling and Risk Escalation

Leverage smart bundling technology to group similar reviews, streamlining your review process. Automatically escalate risky content to be reviewed, tracked, and documented, ensuring compliance without sacrificing speed.

Regulatory Compliance, Guaranteed

Our platform is 100% books and records compliant, automatically archiving all findings and resolutions. Be audit-ready at all times and reduce the burden of regulator inquiries.

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Comprehensive Features to Simplify Website Monitoring and Archiving

Red Oak offers a full suite of configurable functionality designed to streamline website monitoring:

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Streamline Website Monitoring and Archiving to Ensure Full Compliance

Stay ahead of evolving regulatory demands while simplifying your website monitoring process. Safeguard your firm with efficient, audit-ready archiving and real-time supervision tools.