Red Oak’s Disclosure Management and Intelligence modules centralize regulatory disclosures, creating a "gold source library" of the most up-to-date, approved content. Improve accuracy, reduce regulatory risk, and achieve faster approvals with seamless collaboration between compliance and marketing teams.
Access a single, organized repository for all disclosures, ensuring compliance and marketing teams always use accurate, up-to-date disclosures. Add instructions to ensure disclosures are applied correctly every time.
Identify necessary disclosures with pinpoint accuracy and precision, streamlining compliance reviews and accelerating time to market.
Mitigate regulatory risk with an automated audit trail that captures all updates and changes. Update disclosures to the latest versions and archive older ones to ensure effective version control.
Easily manage complex disclosures, including variable text, nested disclosures, and variations, ensuring compliance across different use cases.
Store and manage disclosures in multiple languages to meet the needs of a global organization subject to diverse regulatory requirements.
Trusted by 2,000 Firms Globally
Partner to Over Half of the Top 20 Asset Managers
84 NPS Score—Setting the Standard for Client Satisfaction
Centralize disclosures with automated version control, audit trails, and easy access across teams. Ensure that the right disclosures are applied to minimize regulatory risk.
Use prescriptive rules to determine which disclosures are necessary based on material type, audience, and geography.
Disclosure Management API provides real-time access to the latest approved disclosures by integrating Red Oak with your content creation tools and metadata systems.
Don’t have the time or resources to manage your disclosures effectively? Red Oak’s consultants, with over 120 years of combined experience, can help you stay compliant with accurate, up-to-date disclosures. Let us know how we can support your compliance efforts.
Red Oak’s Disclosure Management and Intelligence solutions reduce compliance risk, accelerate approvals, and keep you audit-ready. Talk to an expert today.