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Conference Session
Sunday Sessions
Welcome Reception
Monday Sessions
Welcome Message
Leading with Impact: Insights from General Robert Neller on Modern Leadership
Conference Kickoff
Inside the Oak: Exploring Essential Features
Turning a New Leaf: Navigating Enhancements in Registration and Licensing Management
Beyond Archiving: Strategic Benefits of Comprehensive Website Monitoring Solutions
Canopy of Oversight: Managing Social Media Compliance
Pruning for Growth: Managing Expiration Dates with Precision
Beneath the Bark: Tools for Streamlined Disclosures
Around the Wisdom Tree: Tackling Workplace Challenges Together
Closing Remarks
Off-site Dinner
Tuesday Sessions
Opening Remarks
Rooted in Change: 10 Trends to Watch in the Industry
To AI or Not AI? That Is the Workplace Question: A Panel Discussion on Digital Decision-Making
LIVE: AI Review Demonstration with Q&A
Rule Makers: Hands-On Guide to Crafting System Rules (Red Oak LAB)
Seeding the Forest: AI Prompts Workshop
Rule Makers: Hands-On Guide to Crafting System Rules (Internet Supervision & Website Monitoring LAB)
Red Oak in Action: Client Success Panel on Web and Social Media Supervision
Going Rogue with Red Oak: Unconventional Use Cases
The Compliance Atlas: Navigating Our Roadmap
Sticky Note Showdown: Leaders React to Your Bright Ideas
Closing Remarks
Evening Reception
Wednesday Sessions
Opening Remarks
Reporting Excellence: Client Success Stories and Key Achievements
Website Monitoring in Action: Benefits and Use Cases
Eyes in the Sky: Leveraging Surveillance Tools to Uncover Hidden Online Presence
Rebuilding for Resilience: Lessons from Compliance System Overhauls
Managing Social Media Compliance: Affiliate & Influencer Monitoring (encore)
Better Together: Building a Community, Engagement, Tools
Closing Remarks
Day Start End Session Title Session Room Objective Statement
Sunday 12:00p 6:00p Arrivals All
Sunday 6:00p 8:30p Welcome Reception All
Monday 7:30a 8:45a Breakfast All
Monday 8:45a 9:45a Welcome + Conference Kick Off General Session
Monday 9:45a 10:45a Leading with Impact: Insights from General Robert Neller on Modern Leadership General Session
Monday 10:45a 11:00a Break All
Monday 11:00a 12:00p Hidden Gems: Exploring Essential Features Breakout - Main By the end of this session, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of the platform's core and lesser-known features, enabling them to leverage these tools for maximum efficiency and productivity in their workflows.
Monday 11:00a 12:00p Enhancements Unveiled: Navigating the Latest Updates in Registration Management Breakout - 1 By the end of this session, attendees will be well-versed in the latest updates to the Registration and Licensing Management module, gaining insights into new functionalities and improvements designed to streamline processes and enhance user experience.
Monday 11:00a 12:00p Optimizing Supervision: Benefits Social Media Compliance Solutions Breakout - 2 By the end of this session, attendees will understand the diverse use cases of our social media compliance system, learning how to effectively apply it to maintain regulatory standards, mitigate risks, and inform their organization's social media strategy.
Monday 12:00p 1:00p Lunch All
Monday 1:00p 2:00p Beyond Archiving: The Strategic Benefits of Comprehensive Website Monitoring Solutions Breakout - Main By the end of this session, attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the various use cases for our website monitoring compliance system, learning how to effectively implement it to ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate risks, and ensure compliant recordkeeping of their organization's monitoring web presence.
Monday 1:00p 2:00p Best Practices: Optimizing Expiration Dates Breakout - 1 By the end of this session, attendees will have a comprehensive understanding of the system's configurable options that enable automatic assignment of expiration dates to submissions.
Monday 1:00p 2:00p Disclosure Management: Unmasking Tools to Deliver Higher Quality Submissions Breakout - 2 By the end of this session, attendees will have a better understanding of Disclosure Manager and Disclosure Intelligence modules, which streamline the management and evaluation of regulatory disclosures in advertising materials.
Monday 2:00p 2:15p Break All
Monday 2:15p 4:15p Roundtable Workshop: Tackling Real-World Workplace Challenges Collaboratively General Session Attendees will round-out day one with this lively icebreaker session designed to brew connections and spark collaborative conversations. Through engaging roundtable discussions, participants will tackle common industry challenges, share insights, and brainstorm innovative solutions.
Monday 4:15p 4:30p Closing Remarks General Session
Monday 6:30p 8:30p Off-site Dinner All
Tuesday 7:30a 8:45a Breakfast All
Tuesday 8:45a 9:00a Opening Remarks General Session
Tuesday 9:00a 10:00a Navigating the Future: Jim Bunn's Insights on the Evolving Financial Services Landscape General Session
Tuesday 10:00a 10:15a Break All
Tuesday 10:15a 12:00p AI or Not AI? That Is the Workplace Question: A Panel Discussion on Digital Decision-Making General Session By the end of this session, attendees should expect a lively and informative discussion about AI, where they'll gain valuable perspectives on how their peers are evaluating and building plans to incorporate AI in a regulated landscape.
Tuesday 12:00p 1:00p Lunch All
Tuesday 1:00p 2:00p Rule Makers: Hands-On Guide to Crafting System Rules (Red Oak LAB) Breakout - Main Attendees will participate hands-on exercises which will creatively evaluate scenarios and determine when rules can be used to optimize their experience, and explore how to practically design them.
Tuesday 1:00p 2:00p Rule Makers: Hands-On Guide to Crafting System Rules (Internet Supervision LAB) Breakout - 1 Attendees will participate hands-on exercises which will creatively evaluate scenarios and determine when rules can be used to optimize their experience, and explore how to practically design them.
Tuesday 2:00p 3:00p Red Oak in Action: Client Success Panel on Web and Social Media Supervision Breakout - Main By the end of this session, attendees will gain valuable insights into the challenges and success stories in internet monitoring, website supervision, and social media compliance. Panelists will discuss how they've effectively adopted technology to address key firm issues in these areas, sharing lessons learned along the way.
Tuesday 2:00p 3:00p Going Rogue with Red Oak: Unconventional Use Cases Breakout - 1 By the end of this session, attendees will gain valuable perspectives on how their peers have creatively adapted the technology to solve for other operational compliance challenges and the benefits they've received by doing so.
Tuesday 3:00p 3:15p Break All
Tuesday 3:15p 4:15p Mapping the Future: Navigating Our Roadmap General Session
Tuesday 4:15p 5:30p Sticky Note Showdown: Leaders React to Your Bright Ideas General Session
Tuesday 5:30p 5:45p Closing Remarks General Session
Tuesday 6:30p 8:30p Evening Reception All
Wednesday 7:30a 8:45a Breakfast All
Wednesday 8:30a 8:45a Opening Remarks All
Wednesday 8:45a 9:45a Reporting Excellence: Client Success Stories and Key Achievements Breakout - Main
Wednesday 8:45a 9:45a Beyond Archiving: The Strategic Benefits of Comprehensive Website Monitoring Solutions (encore) Breakout - 1 By the end of this session, attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the various use cases for our website monitoring compliance system, learning how to effectively implement it to ensure regulatory compliance, mitigate risks, and ensure compliant recordkeeping of their organization's monitoring web presence.
Wednesday 8:45a 9:45a Eyes in the Sky: Leveraging Surveillance Tools to Uncover Hidden Online Presence Breakout - 2 By the conclusion of this session, attendees will have acquired a nuanced understanding of the operational mechanics behind Red Oak's Internet Supervision solution. They will gain insights into the methodologies employed for detecting and monitoring the web presence of individuals and organizations. Furthermore, attendees will grasp the underlying rationale and strategic imperatives for implementing such a program, comprehending the significance of proactively identifying and mitigating these types of digital risks.
Wednesday 9:45a 11:15a Adapting to Change: Insights from System Overhaul Experiences Breakout - Main
Wednesday 9:45a 11:15a Optimizing Supervision: Benefits Social Media Compliance Solutions (encore) Breakout - 1 By the end of this session, attendees will understand the diverse use cases of our social media compliance system, learning how to effectively apply it to maintain regulatory standards, mitigate risks, and inform their organization's social media strategy.
Wednesday 11:15a 11:30a Break All
Wednesday 11:30a 12:15p Better Together: Building a Community, Engagement, Tools General Session
Wednesday 12:15p 12:30p Closing Remarks General Session
Wednesday 12:30p - Conference Adjourns All

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