As we end the second month of the year, we find ourselves asking if any of the 2020 predictions for the state of advertising review software are starting to gain traction. Looking back on the conversations with customers and the topics presented at conferences in 2019, we see a continuation of familiar challenges into 2020 as advertising and financial compliance professionals lean on new solutions to keep up with the evolving regulatory environment.
□ Manual processes continue to be the rule versus the exception. Professionals want to find ways to create efficiencies and increase transparency.
□ Leveraging technology for solutions remains top of mind.
□ Tightened regulations will ask more of teams who will have the same or reduced resources to comply.
□ Firms will be seeking technology that gives the following capabilities:
- Faster turnaround times with reduction of rework
- Integration with existing marketing systems
- Enhanced and/or control of the marketing review process
- Better reporting capabilities
- Fortifies the first line of defense responsibilities
Overall, investment advisers and broker-dealers want to get materials to market quicker by reducing the bottleneck between marketing, legal, and compliance teams or the compliance review process.
We agree.
Created to manage the compliance review process from start to finish, Red Oak’s advertising review software is a secure, cloud-based technology developed over the years in collaboration with compliance professionals and technology architects. We tailored our comprehensive suite of SEC 17A-4 compliant features to the evolving needs of financial firms, small and large. Our software allows your firm to minimize risk, reduce costs, and increase efficiencies between compliance and marketing teams. The dashboard and reporting capabilities enable leaders to manage and improve productivity while significantly reducing the amount of time needed to determine the status of someone’s submission.
Red Oak is the advertising review software of choice in the financial services industry, with clients having over $19 trillion in assets under management. Partners of Red Oak benefit from quick implementation timelines, and agile technology that responds to your needs. Contact the Red Oak team to learn more.